OVM Spring Ride, Swap and Show at Rickreall, OR
Camping is available beginning Friday evening. On Saturday, a guided ride of around 100 miles happens starting around 10am. When we return to the fairgrounds, there is pizza and general hang around. Sunday morning is setup time at 7am, then the show and swap meet. Finally ending the event in the afternoon with the show winner presentation and photo shoot.
Where: Polk County Fairgrounds: https://www.co.polk.or.us/fair/event-center-fairgrounds
Address: 520 S Pacific Hwy W, Rickreall, OR 97371
Camping Overnight Rate:
$25 — RVs with or without hook up (one septic service use)
$20 — Tents with out electric $25 with electric
Westside Pacific Family Restaurant and Saloon 0630 – 21:00
Eola Hills Wine Cellars: https://eolahillswinery.com/
Volunteers Wanted:
Gate attendants
General helpers
General Explanation for the move and some notes:
Announcing the Oregon Vintage Motorcyclists annual show in Rickreall, Oregon. We moved it again! After listening to the comments from the OVM Membership, a few items were apparent:
1. Last years camping was not so good. Observations include: little to no shade, no wind protection, the noise from the road and trains lasted throughout the night and no food or coffee nearby.
2. The parking was confusing; granting it was our first year and there will be growing pains. The general consensus is no one knew where to go and there were too many places. There was a lot of effort to maintain the gates.
3. Going for a nice motorcycle ride through Salem Oregon on vintage motorcycles.
A couple of OVM members from the Salem area suggested we look at Polk County Fairgrounds. Then they went there and gathered some information to coerce us into making a visit. It worked, on Saturday November 30, 2024, Sam J, John B, Jim H and Bob T all met at the fairgrounds and had a walk around. We were impressed and after some conversation and hoping the membership understands and isn’t too upset with us, decided to move to Rickreall for 2025. Here are some of the reasons we decided to change the venue.
We have the option to use the indoor facilities in case of rain. There is good parking and one event gate entrance. There is a secondary gate entrance for vendors separate from the attendee entrance. The camping is away from the road and sheltered from the winds. The RV parking is spacious and right next to the camping. The bathrooms and showers are pretty good. There is an option to have concessions available during the event, with a good looking kitchen. There is a wine tasting room across the street. There is also a restaurant within walking distance, Bob says is pretty good that opens at 6:30 am.